This is going to be a step by step with pictures, and little to no text. It's really that easy.
Searching for AdBlock Plus
Open IE and go to then search for AdBlock Plus
Once you find it. Click Add to Internet Explorer
Click Add to Internet Explorer again.
At the bottom of the page, a bar will pop up asking you to Run, or Save. Click the arrow and select Save and Run
Once to add on is installed you should see this.
Close and Exit IE then reopen it to activate the add on. Which this will then pop up.
Click and close that box.
Either hit refresh or again. Close and exit IE and reopen it, and your ads will be gone.
IE without AdBlock Plus installed and active.
IE With AdBlock Plus installed and active. Notice. No ad on the right.
Once you have installed and completed this. Enjoy the internet ad free.
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